Patricians holding onto counties are affected by the succession laws of the counties' de jure kingdom if the kingdom title exists and is not held by their merchant republic. Mediterranean merchant republic (territories are yellow) with national ideas.

The patrician ceases to be a vassal of the doge. Ck2 Making A Merchant Republic Credit Card The Jomsvikings A Norse Pagan warrior brotherhood that functions as a Holy Order in CK2, the Jomsvikings become a playable Warrior Cult (basically identical to a theocracy) if they survive with landed titles into EU4. However, these same characters get a share of your monthly income as family dues. Each Merchant Republic has five leading families, each headed by a Patrician, who vie for control and conduct trading throughout Europe, the Mediterranean and beyond. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG video game series for PC, Mac & Linux developed & published by Paradox Interactive. You can choose whether to grant the local castle to the doge (he'll pay more in taxes while his family is in power) or arrange for him to have a vassal baron (safer vs factions). The republic will become a vassal of the republic's creater and this may cause bad relations between ruler and yourself since you are two different government types (-30). Not satisfied with the default Merchant Republics, use this guide to create your very own wherever you want (with certain restrictions), at any historical start period you like, and with any culture or religion you like as a basis. When fortified, the trade posts also protect free loot. Reunite character wealth with the dogedom: Merchant republics can only move their capital: Changing the capital to a castle lets you buff cultural retinues by constructing cultural buildings. If your ruler is not as good as expected you can use the Ruler Designer DLC. Merchant Republics can be independent, or vassals of a higher-tier liege. Crusader Kings II, The Republic 101 Tutorial: Part 1 - YouTube - Trade route specific warehouses - Guard towers and Trade forts - Tollbooths - Important Centers of Trade(!) Enatic clans and Merchant republics. Being a doge is almost always advantageous. Also this won't work on Muslim Religions or Merchant Republic for the Gender Succession law is hard coded. Keep in mind that each dynasty can only control one family palace.

Testing shows there is a game-breaking bug, as the character counts holdings in province that is capital, instead of trade posts, which results in incorrect trade post counting and you are unable to construct more trade posts. Doges might approach independent rulers with proposals to ally in an embargo against a competing republic.